You can build two floors and then delete the lower one. Apartments that cannot be built below ground can be moved to the basement after being built. Evictions can be done cheaply by simply lowering the tenant's rent to $0. Need extra money? Raise rents to 200% just before midnight and then lower them right after. Background noises are not distracting and well-recorded.

Relaxing soundtrack, well suited to a simulator game like this. However, the gameplay is significantly less enjoyable because of the numerous bugs. The game has a campaign in the form of 15 scenarios - easy, medium, and hard - and a sandbox mode. Sometimes parts of structure textures are reused for other structures, which is not ideal because it can cause a bit of confusion. About as good as I'd expect from a management simulator. Project Highrise is a well-featured game, but has quite a few quirks and bugs. I really love this game - I'm sure there's a perfect balance to be struck with placement but I'm yet to find it. Only some Gourmet tenants will pay more for a higher location, all other restaurant tenants do not care. a medical office wants a drugstore or two in teh building). (Though certain offices require specific types e.g. Similar with stores - just make 4 small, 4 medium, 4 large, etc. All restaurants create Noise and Smell, and prefer high-traffic areas. Do note the meals they serve - provide at least two for each time slot: 2 dinner, 2 brunch, etc. I love this sort of thing because it absorbs you for hours. Restaurants are types of tenant allocations in Project Highrise. Meanwhile, the restaurant complains because they can't empty their rubbish, so you pop a rubbish bin down the guy near that starts to moan about the smell and next to the restaurant has become too noisy so one of your tenants demands a rent decrease. For example One office wants greater variety in restaurants that serve dinner, you plop it down and the guy next to him starts to complain about the smell. There are lots of different types of offices, restaurants, shops and apartments to build, each influencing something near it in different ways. There's ALWAYS something wanting your attention and I've already been playing for a few hours and it feels like five minutes. It's true that there's not much variation between room types, but the workshop will soon sort that out. Balancing the many (many) needs of your tenants, along with designing something aesthetically pleasing is deceptively difficult. Balancing the many (many) needs of your tenants, along with designing something aesthetically pleasing is deceptively Absolutely addictive.